Print + Digital: All Access
Print + Digital: All Access
$50, plus sales tax where applicable.
After one year, your subscription renews automatically for $50. Your first issue will arrive in about two weeks and your hat will ship within three weeks.
Contact UsTo reduce paper and guarantee uninterrupted service, your membership will automatically renew annually unless you ask us to cancel the renewal by contacting Alta's customer support or by calling 1-415-654-3376. Before each renewal, we will send a reminder with the membership rate in effect. If you choose to opt out of the automatic renewal, you will no longer have access to the subscription benefits once your current subscription term ends.
Tax and Delivery
Term of ServiceSales tax will be charged where applicable. All rates are in U.S. dollars. If the US Post Office alerts us that your print magazine is undeliverable, we have no further obligation unless we receive a corrected address within one year.